Most musical player or DAC?

Forgive up front if there is other(s) threads on this. Thanks in advance for posting links if you know of them. I'm looking for a "musical" CD player or DAC. I've been through 4 cd players so far, they were all nice in some respects, but none have really grabbed me by the heartstrings (or lapels) and stopped me in my tracks with musicality. Don't know if I should be looking for a tubed variety or not. All I know is I want something that moves me. A very 3D soundstage, unbelievable midrange, good extension at the extremes. I would rather have romantic over detailed and analytical, but transparency and a sense of air would I think be also in the mix. Nothing laid back either, I want something that engages.

My listening tastes are rock, Soul, acoustic w/vocals (male/female), blues, R&B, a bit of electronica.

Any thoughts and experiences are appreciated.
I'd add a used Audio Logic 34 or 2400 DAC to the possible units you might want to consider. The older Audio Logics used an all tube output stage, and were excellent for tube rolling, and if you can find one they probably aren't that expensive in the used market, from what I've seen.
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I've had an older Onkyo carousel player from the early 90's, an Onkyo universal player, two Chinese tubed players (MHZS) before my present players.

Interesting thought Tvad, I remember your comments on the Nuforce thread a while back. I've also had a few amps, nothing very expensive, one was a chip-based amp with much more musicality then the one previous. But the Nuforce is the best of the bunch yet. Have never tried a tubed amp for the fact that Usher recommends against them (and to get one with close to the power rating would prob be more then I could afford). Also until recently I required a multi channel amp.

i don't feel there is a significant lack of musicality to the NF, esp paired with the Shindo. Then again, if I was to hear a significant and obvious improvement with another amp in my system, I would know different.
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