Most powerful and popular EL34 tube amp?

What woulg be your pick?
I am looking for a stereo tube amp based on EL-34 which should have enough power to drive 4ohm 89dB speakers.
Quicksilver 135 mono blocks very reliable great company
Have a pair of these if interested in th 4 k zone
Cheers Johnnyr
Thanks for your response.
From your suggestions, VTL-85 ($999) and Quicksilver KT-88 Monos ($1050) look interesting, if I don't restrict myself to EL34 tube amps. I am not looking for int amps since I am going to use my vk-30 as pre.

How about Copland CTA 504? Somebody offered me it at $1300, but I have not hear of the brand.
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Take a look at Audiovalve Challanger 180 monoblocks;you can run EL34,6550c and kt88's as they autobias.