Most powerful and popular EL34 tube amp?

What woulg be your pick?
I am looking for a stereo tube amp based on EL-34 which should have enough power to drive 4ohm 89dB speakers.
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Take a look at Audiovalve Challanger 180 monoblocks;you can run EL34,6550c and kt88's as they autobias.
How many EL34's do you have?
You are going to need 8 (or more) for some of these amps.
I have 4 almost new Siemens EL34 tubes and a few more (4~6 Russian/Chinese) variants. If I go for monoblocks, sure I need to use 8 or more tubes, but I'd rather stick to a single steroe amp.
It might not save me whole a lot by sticking to EL34 tubes, so I would rather look for some other options too.

Thanks for all your responses.