Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000

I am probably going to get knocked around for the use of that mysterious word "MUSICAL" in this tread. However would like some input from members who have tried a lot of speaker cables: and would like to know what is most musical sounding speaker cable you have ever owned or presently own under $800. Multiple choices is also good.

FOR ME, the term "musical means" listenable, and holding the listener's attention, and satisfying. Also, it means very smooth without sounding warm or fuzzy. Lastly, it means....a unique presentation of the musical event never heard or experienced before.

Or,... is it also: more detail?? more musical cues that convey the music and its acoustic space? or a richer palette of tonal color and harmonics??? I am sure it is heard and defined differently by everyone
Can you post your thoughts on the Crimson speaker cables when you get them? I'm using the balanced Crimson ICs and like them so I'm very interested in you assessment of the SCs. Thanks!
If I may chime in, Crimson is by far the best cable I've had in my system. The Crimson speaker and interconnects have bested my previous Kimber Selects and Nordost Tyrs in every conceivable way. Everything sounds more natural and organic. Many times after buying a component, I get the urge to sell it and try something new. The thought of parting with the Crimsons has NEVER entered my mind.
I've tried a number of great cables in my system

I concur on the Crimson speaker wires. Incredible resolution, tonally balanced, very engaging.

Off to order their interconnects
If you want 'musical' cables the best IMO is copper ribbon cables, where the positive and negative legs are sandwiched together, separated by only a thin layer of double sided sticky Teflon tape.

You get a little bit of HF roll off, but in return everything seems to have an organic and liquid quality, while still retaining excellent detail and resolution. They are just great for a systems that need a bit of tuning.
I should also mention IMO flat copper ribbons are NOT so good for IC's, only for speaker cables.