Hi Coxhaus
I got the Krell HTS 7.1 for that exact reason,7.1 analog for audio and let your player do the video.Donnot let some of these guys fool you into thinking you need a D2v,ssp800,etc because they are the ones going to loose $3-$6000 overnite when another format change comes into play.I find the HTS 7.1 does sound great,and that was side by side with a Classe SSP 600,and a Anthem D2.The D2/D1(if you want to save some money)are great for HT for sure but the 2ch is no where near the Krell.And lets face it,you can pick up a used 7.1 for less than $2000.But run the serial# with Walt at Krell and find a later built one around 2007.I was looking at one and it was built in 2003 and for $300 more got one that was purcased new and only used in a bedroom for 1yr and built in late 2007.