Multiple turntables

To those of you who have and use multiple turntables, how do you hook them to your system and what sort of stand or support do you use. I use different phono preamps running into an integrated amp, so each input is a different turntable/arm/cartridge combo. Others may use phono preamps that accept more than one turntable input. However, mounting multiple turntables have been somewhat of a challenge, since they take up a lot of room, must be accessible from the top and need a solid support. Anyone use a pull out shelf system?
I usually have two connected; a VPI [model varies] and a modified LP 12. The LP 12 serves as a constant as I don't sell them; the VPIs are for sale. The Linn is mounted on a very old Russ Andrews Torlite stand with Star Sound brass cones for feet. The VPIs are on top of my Star Sound rack on a SS turntable shelf. My Basis Phono stage has 2 moving coil inputs so both can be connected at the same time. I have one of the old VPI sprung base that Elisabeth mentioned but not using it just now.
I guess I have a fetish for turntable design, so when a deal on an interesting one comes up, I get it. However, over the past 6 months I have gotten 3 high end tables of my dreams, of differnt design theories, and love all three. Either one of them elevates my system considerably. Plus, they are works of technical art, representative of their designs.
I use a Simaudio LP5.3, P.S.Audio GCPH and McCormack Micro Phono along with the Phono section on my Classe CP-35. So my stand alone phono preamps feed into the line level inputs on my Classe preamp. Either that or to a Dussun V6i. this is in my den system, but I'd like to be able to run more than one table in the main system, which does require a certain WAF.
2 turntables, 2 Adona Zero GXT stands side by side with the oversize 19x24 multi element granite top shelves. Two arms at the moment, but room for a total of 5 arms. Two phono stages, one with one input, the other with two.
I don't understand why anyone other than a DJ would want multiple turntables.