Museatex Bitstream vs Bidat

I've emailed John Wright asking exactly how big a jump in performance there was between the Bitstream and Bidat. He mentioned that when both fully modded they sound different from each other and neither was better then the other. The bitstream being more musical overall, while the Bidat picked up more inner detail. Anybody compared for themselves?
Hmmm, I have had my units for a little over a year back from John. Do you know when he started doing his latest miracle mods?


I'm sure John would never refer to them as "miracle mods" but they're enough a stride forward that I'm sending my Bidat in for the upgrade even though it was done in November of 09. As I understand it, the power upgrade discovery occured around January of 2010. There may have been other minor modifications during the year since your mods were done and I have no idea what they are. My bistream was completed in March of this year.

Thank you for the additional info. I might just do that as well. One of my LEDs has gotten a little dim on the unit also. I have a Bitstream as well that he modified and it is serving very well in my 2nd system. Great DACs!
You're welcome, Mike. Let us know if you get the upgrade and what you think of it.
I just traded message with John. I will send him my Bitstream first and then the Bidat. Any power cord suggestions for the Bitstream? I haven't been able to decide on one and am still using the stock cord. I am using a really nice Shuyata one on my Bidat along with a Moray James digital coax. (His products are very tough to find, and almost impossible on the used market!)