Music and politics

A post yesterday about U2 prompted me to listen to them today. And one comment from yesterday got me to thinking. The author wrote dismissively that they should "keep their politics to themselves." (Those may or may not have been the exact words, but that gets to the point.) As I've been listening this afternoon, I've thought: I'm neither a born-again Christian nor a political leftie, but I do love this band. And then I thought further: If I listened only to bands or singer-songwriters whose politics were like mine, I surely wouldn't spin a whole lot of recordings. (For the record, I consider myself a radically pragmatic centrist with occasional libertarian leanings. Got any bands who'd fill that bill?) I care about the music, and not about what the people making that music happen to believe. Am I alone in this? Do others dismiss certain artists because of their politics -- or religion or the kind of car they drive or whatever else?
Rhetorically speaking, are foriegn bands/singers protected by our First Amendment? Should they be?

I used to roadie for The Clash in 1982. I would expect nothing less from seeing that band in their day using onstage banter to explain their political positions adjacent to a song. That is what made that music so inspiring and relevant to me. And "Washington Bullets" and "Straight to Hell" still seems fresh and relevant to me today as it was 27 years ago.

I respect current politically motivated artists like Jackson Browne, Bruce Springsteen, Neil Young, Bright Eyes, Rancid and Green Day (and a cast of other bands) who choose to use the stage to FREELY express their total views on subjects they believe in. I have no problem paying $100 for a total experience, songs and banter. In the end, music works the best when it invokes a black and white reaction around an issue--anything grey is boring and is the color of so much disposable music made today. I will take bands of conviction any day. People in Tehran will not be playing Lady Gaga's Pokerface at their revolution, but I am sure Sam Cooke's "A change is gonna come" and Bob Dylan's "The Times are a changing" would not be out of place or time in context to today's events. A lot of this music will hold up against the test of time.
great art generally has a 'point of view'. you don't 'have to' buy a ticket to 'anything'. even cal thomas and toby keith dig jimmy webb. i loved merle haggard and david allen coe, and didn't agree with anything they ever said.

The key as you stated "as long as its in the music". A separate political rant does not have to be part of the performance I paid to see.

If you freely express your views on a street corner I can walk away or argue on even terms but in a concert venue where I paid for a seat and entertainment I have very limited recourse. Leave and lose my money or shout my opinion without a PA system. Where is my equal freedom of expression?

If they will perform for free I will listen to their political viewpoints because I lose nothing walking away.
the arrogance of you liberals to have all of the decent musicians is quite shocking. you ought to just shut your quiche-holes, too, every name of a famous lefty artist that you throw out there just makes you sound more and more intolerant of country music.

and so, as i'm reading this thread, i am for the first time feeling the pain of the conservative music fans who have no decent musicians to whom they can give their money in good conscience (i'm assuming, of course, they've already acquired l'oeuvre complet de ted nugent).

but then i remembered a little gem that you can find online by doing a web search for the phrase "youtube young con anthem", i'm sure these guys would put any money you send them to good use....