Music trivia anyone?

First one to post the correct answer gets the positive votes.No negative votes allowed for the wrong answer. Anyone else with a music trivia question go ahead and ask.
QUESTION: Who is the walrus?
phild, yes - the dukes of stratosphear. i have two of their albums as well as most of xtc's works. amazing ting to me, is that the dukes sound quite different than xtc even tho it's the same folks...

doug s.

Well, I'll be, Angela (4-7 post), I did not know that applied to women. wink, wink.
"Yesterday" began life as "Scrambled Eggs," a lot like my brains these days...
Undertaker, your hint wasn't too much help, as that's one of their few albums I never got! Let me try with their producer, George Martin, who played piano on a number of their albums, including the Help album. Otherwise, how about Billy Preston, who played the organ on a number of their releases. Here's a question which I have no idea why I remember it--in the late 60s, there was a group (SF based, I think) which recorded a song "Endless Tunnel", an extremely forgettable acid-rock anthem along the lines of the Doors' "The End". If you listened to WNEW-FM in NYC in the late 60s, you might remember it. Name the group.