M-F uses bi-polar transistors. They produce high current but high frequencies are harsh. MOSFET's like in Creek amps are softer and tubelike but not quit as transparent or powerful. J-Fets are said to be better than both but I don't know of any commercial amp mfg's who use them.
Try Peter Daniel's integrated.
The 47 Labs Shigaraki review at 6moons.com used the same amp as Peter's and calls it very tubelike and is the only sand amp the tube-loving reviewer likes. In the review Srajan (?) does a direct comparison with the Unison you are asking about.
Try Peter Daniel's integrated.
The 47 Labs Shigaraki review at 6moons.com used the same amp as Peter's and calls it very tubelike and is the only sand amp the tube-loving reviewer likes. In the review Srajan (?) does a direct comparison with the Unison you are asking about.