Please do not hold it against me but I have a degree in electrical engineering and sell test and measurement equipment for Tektronix. |
Doug, More importantly, I think you owe Marakanetz an apology, eh? His moniker should have at least offered you a clue that English is not his first language. Wider berths, please....
Following a decade of baroque training and short-wave listening, I freelanced as a roving teen-age church organist before farting around with drugs and engineering at Brown in the early 70s. A 10 year stint designing lab equipment, QA systems and pounding on an old upright preceded my current dozen years earning the SubaruGuru title. (Life's too weird!). Last few years have found me romanticizing my dream keyboard (Steinway B) and, after revisiting speaker design mishaps, now assembling my ref system. (I mean, how the hell do you compete with Verity Audio? Phew!) Still, however, my malfunctioning mind (along with your help) keeps me surprised that my daughters and wife are thrilled when I buy a $200 DVD for their TV, while they could care less about my EMC-1 MkII. We aging guys have some serious educating to do, eh? Or what?.... Keep well. Ern |
I might not spell correctly (probably used this word not to often or just mis-typed in rush)next time I will preview first. You're right about your daughter since the colledge I've attended is overseas. The books in electronics and electrical engineering I currently have, printed in Russian language. Sorry for misspelled "batchelor" :). |
Wow, three people caught my my spelling oops. Good job gang. |
Doug28450: it is "grammar", not "grammer". I personally have no musical training, but have always loved to listen to music. My Ph.D. is in economics though I do like to read about the technical side of audio as a hobby. |
Twelve years of formal music studies/training including five years in conservatory followed less formal study, which continues to this day. Very informal study of electronics, leading to fairly involved audio component tweaking/modifying has been a hobby for as long as I've been into audio.
Doug, with all due respect, don't be so quick to judge and criticize. Check your own spelling. Regards. |
Marakanetz. Please identify the college you attended. Spelling and grammer were apparently not important in the curriculum. I want to ensure my daughter does not attend that school.
I have had lessons in voice, piano and drums and I was a member of the high school choir. In college I earned a Bachelors (note the spelling Marakanetz) Degree in Civil Engineering, BSCE, emphasis in structures. I am currently a Licensed Professional Engineer in three states and a Licensed Structural Engineer in Illinois. Engineering puts food on the table, music allows me to relax. |
Education in Computer Science and a very technical career. Music has always just been an (avid) hobby. |
I've been playing Accordeon, flute and a little guitar. I have a batchelor degree in Electrical Engineering. I am going to the live performances quite often mostly on progressive rock/jazz concerts which tended to happen in a small bars or clubs. Currently employed as a Business Analyst and never was employed with my primary occupation ever since. I know basics of tube and semi-conductor logic, radio/tuner circuitries. I almost remember nothing from electro-magnetics. I am now trying to dig out my books and start over electronics as a hobby. |
I have degrees in biology and marine science. No formal education in music; Love to listen and also must admit to being a bit of a "gear head" as well. |
As a child I started taking radios apart before I even knew how to read. Music also grabbed my attention very early & around age 10 I was already hooked. As an early teen I took music lessons, joined band, & was also building electronics gear from kits, then from scratch. Went into tech. school after H.S. graduation, worked in a radio station as both DJ & engineer, then on to electical engineering in college where I also joined marching band. Post college I worked in RF electronics & taught myself how to tweak audio gear, both of which I'm still involved in many years later. |
I have studied both music (about 2/3 of an undergraduate degree) and physics/math (ph.d). Have also played 3 instruments and taught one. Strong music backgrounds are very,very common among engineers working in the audio industry. Music is what draws people here in the first place. |
Absrtact7, that sounds like an interesting career. I myself was fortunate to be able to take 'physics of sound & music', 'songwriting'(very difficult course), and some musical appreciation class at college. The funny thing about physics is that the text had tips for buying a stereo in the last chapter. |
I perform in a professional chorus and I am also a very heavy concert goer. I have assembled my audio system(s) totally by ear. The techical stuff means very little to me. As Duke Ellington said: "If it sounds good, it is good". |
Interesting question--for me--both. I'm a medical physicist and trained for 8+ years in piano and still play regularly. |