@rauliruegas, putting a 2-3 dB notch filter between 3 and 4 kHz is a very common approach to making certain program sources more listenable.
I suggest you take a very sibilant recording and try it. It is rather cool to hear the sibilance disappear (along with a little detail). How it got it's name as the "BBC" or "Gundry" curve doesn't really matter. I use those terms because that is what the industry seems to want to call it. I did not make it up.
As for Watt/Puppies, measured at one meter with modern computerized equipment they demonstrate a mild dip at those frequencies. I am absolutely sure those measurements were done correctly. The Maxx 2's are a totally different speaker and they were not measured near field individually. I have heard but have no proof that other manufacturers have done this. That graph, by the way has very poor resolution, is crude and you should note the measurement indicates a +- 2.5 dB variance throughout most of the midrange which the writer is calling "impressively flat." For an uncorrected speaker it is impressively flat but the bass is not good. It is down at 150 Hz, up at 80 Hz and falls off steeply below 50 Hz.
In order to get realistic low bass at reasonable levels the bass has to rise as you go down from 100 Hz. I adjust my system to be up 5 dB at 20 Hz.
The dip at 150 Hz is going to rob the bass of detail and impact. Pipe Organs can go down to 8 Hz. 16 Hz is no problem (but an extremely large pipe) The Maxx's bass response is, at least in part due to room nodes.
Very occasionally I will use the notch filter. I dislike loosing detail and you can frequently cut the sibilance by just turning down the volume a bit.
I suggest you take a very sibilant recording and try it. It is rather cool to hear the sibilance disappear (along with a little detail). How it got it's name as the "BBC" or "Gundry" curve doesn't really matter. I use those terms because that is what the industry seems to want to call it. I did not make it up.
As for Watt/Puppies, measured at one meter with modern computerized equipment they demonstrate a mild dip at those frequencies. I am absolutely sure those measurements were done correctly. The Maxx 2's are a totally different speaker and they were not measured near field individually. I have heard but have no proof that other manufacturers have done this. That graph, by the way has very poor resolution, is crude and you should note the measurement indicates a +- 2.5 dB variance throughout most of the midrange which the writer is calling "impressively flat." For an uncorrected speaker it is impressively flat but the bass is not good. It is down at 150 Hz, up at 80 Hz and falls off steeply below 50 Hz.
In order to get realistic low bass at reasonable levels the bass has to rise as you go down from 100 Hz. I adjust my system to be up 5 dB at 20 Hz.
The dip at 150 Hz is going to rob the bass of detail and impact. Pipe Organs can go down to 8 Hz. 16 Hz is no problem (but an extremely large pipe) The Maxx's bass response is, at least in part due to room nodes.
Very occasionally I will use the notch filter. I dislike loosing detail and you can frequently cut the sibilance by just turning down the volume a bit.