Dear @mijostyn
@lewm : "" Some speaker manufacturers, to make their speakers sound better at low volumes and reduce sibilance tuned their speakers with a built in Gundry dip. Wilson did this with the Watt/Puppy. ""
Low volumes, Gundry dip and Wilson speakers? well maybe you think you are rigth but unfortunatelly you are wrong and with out evidence about your statement.
First mistake that never existed or exist that ( ? ) Gundry dip :
"" Well, of course having found this, I have to jump in. My father, Dick Gundry, who spent almost all his working life in the BBC and was for many years responsible for maintaining technical standards in BBC Radio (which have sadly gone down since his retirement in about 1971), and who was known behind his back as golden ears, would not have been pleased to have his name attached to a deliberate departure from a flat frequency response in loudspeakers. Has anyone any idea on how this term arose? It must have been much more recent than 1971.
One of my father’s responsibilities back in the late 1950s and early 1960s was the development of stereo techniques in preparation for a means to broadcast it. ...............the uniformity was considered more important than perfect flatness, and thus the speakers may have shown the "Gundry dip". However it would not have been a design aim but a side-effect, and in any case my father would have had no input to the designs...
Kenneth Gundry, San Francisco ""
In 2009/2010 we can read these statements by a true expert:
"" Neither I nor Floyd Toole had never heard about the Gundry dip until about 2 months ago when an audio reviewer used the term in an email to us. Many poorly designed 2-way loudspeakers already have dips in the sound power response in the cross-over range 1-3 kHz where the directivity of the woofer is too high compare to the directivity of the tweeter at those frequencies. As a result, this produces a notch in the sound power response of the loudspeaker, usually followed by a peak. Depending on the bandwidth and depth of the notch, it is the peak that is often heard as sounding objectionable (harshness, hardness or excessive brightness). The extent to which this a problem depends on whether you are sitting on or off axis, and the reflectivity of the room.
To some degree, Harmon/Sean Olive’s research strongly asserts that listeners will universally prefer a flat frequency response under blind listening conditions. That alone is a pretty good reason. ""
S.Olive has several papers in the AES when he made it a lot of speakers research at Harmon, including why we need several subwoofers in a home audio systems but in this research ( white papers ) stated that 2 subs are ok at one seat position.
More information for the ones that really know about:
""" There is much myth, folklore and misunderstanding about this subject.
The ’BBC dip’ is (was) a shallow shelf-down in the acoustic output of some BBC-designed speaker system of the 1960s-1980s in the 1kHz to 4kHz region. The LS3/5a does not have this effect, neither in the 15 ohm nor 11 ohm, both of which are in fact slightly lifted in that region.
According to Harbeth’s founder, who worked at the BBC during the time that this psychoacoustic effect was being explored, the primary benefit this little dip gave was in masking of defects in the early plastic cone drive units available in the 1960’s. A spin-off benefit was that it appeared to move the sound stage backwards away from the studio manager who was sitting rather closer to the speakers in the cramped control room than he would ideally wish for. (See also Designer’s Notebook Chapter 7). The depth of this depression was set by ’over-equalisation’ in the crossover by about 3dB or so, which is an extreme amount for general home listening. We have never applied this selective dip but have taken care to carefully contour the response right across the frequency spectrum for a correctly balanced sound. Although as numbers, 1kHz and 4kHz sound almost adjacent in an audio spectrum of 20Hz to 20kHz, the way we perceive energy changes at 1kHz or 4kHz has a very different psychoacoustic effect: lifting the 1kHz region adds presence (this is used to good effect in the LS3/5a) to the sound, but the 4kHz region adds ’bite’ - a cutting incisiveness which if over-done is very unpleasant and irritating. """"
Wilson speakers?: Atkinson has a lot of solid experiences about making " hundred’s " of speaker measurements ( in room and anechoic. ) and you can read in the Watt measurements this JA statement:
" The Wilson speaker’s lateral-dispersion plot (fig.7) indicates a broadly even radiation pattern, with an off-axis notch developing around 4kHz, where the on-axis response has a small peak. In the vertical plane (fig.8), the treble region doesn’t change much for listening axes on or just below the tweeter. However, a large suckout develops at 3.3kHz above the tweeter axis, which I assume is the frequency at which the WATT’s tweeter crosses over to its woofer. ""
Here another Wilson measurements: """ but the most obvious difference between the speaker’s balance in the two rooms is that the MAXX 2s produce an impressively flat midrange and treble at Paul’s considerably greater listening distance...."""
Take a look of your " Gundry dip " in this speaker measurements: before designed the Watt was some years a recording/producer engineer.
The Watt does not came at " random " but because the high knowledge levels of what are the needs for a speaker recording studio monitoring.
I could think that you own the recordings under D.Wilson label. Well the speaker monitoring ( in location ) was the Watt and the WAMM at Wilson Audio. Great recordings and a must to listen it in the rigth room audio system.
mijostyn you have to make more research about. There is a lot of expert information in the internet.
Yes, lewm is rigth just from the begining and as he I never heard before about that Gundry myth. Now I learned why.