My best retort to those that think we listen to our stereos more than the music

 Its like love and sex go with women. A good system makes the experience better. A great woman makes the experience better too! They both go together great!
When a great song comes on the radio while I am in the car, it is magical.
End of story.
i strongly suspect alan parsons was telling it like it was, when he said, "an audiophile is somebody who uses your music to listen to their equipment."
Who cares. I am getting tired of this topic. Who should really care what box they are placed into as long as the Audiophile is enjoying the listening.  I know I don't and I am pleased, as a Rabbit, if someone throws me into any briar patch.
Well,   I have the best woman in the world (50yrs married) but only the 2nd best audio system. May have to look at that!