My first Tube Amplifier

I have a 40 years of audio history starting with Garrard Turntable, Fisher Intergrated(SS), ADS bookself speaker on 1978.

But I started using tube amplifier on 1999.

Since then I had been using only tube amplifier in my main system.

My last SS main amplifier was Krell KSA 150 to drive Apogee Duetta Signature speakers.

My first tube amplifier was Jadis 500 which comprised of 4 pieces weighing 120 lb each.

B&W 801 driven by Jadis 500 gave most deep and powerful bass at my home.

But it generated too much heat so it was hard to use during summer.

It was memorable experience to use it for 4 years.

I may not go back to such monster tube amplifier again.

How about you?

What is your first tube amplifier?

I bet two cents on no one had used larger one as the first tube amplifier than mine.

@unreceivedogma, if the Altecs are, as I suspect, a nominally 16 ohm load, that would be a good reason.
Lot of interesting discussion about OTL amps.

If I find used one at nice condition, I may want to try out to find out how they sound in my system.

But without knowing system matching, I will not venture to try new one.
I will consider Atmosphere if I try out OTL amp.

Ralph has a good reputation supporting his customer.