My list of seller red flags

I’ve compiled a list of annoying things sellers do. If I see any of these red flags I will not buy from them. Ideally every seller should agree to not do any of these before they are allowed to sell online.

- Overpriced
- Don’t talk about any flaws
- Keep re-posting
- Use unrelated keywords in ad so ad comes up when you search for different brand
- Paranoid language like " Cash and Carry only", "No spammers", No Trades...
- Using all CAPS and !!! marks

- Used car salesman lingo like"only $xxx , a great deal, a steal , and the worse, RARE "
- Ad consists entirely of copy/pasted info. from manufacturer website
- Any textspeak
- Gimmicky pricing like $999 or $995 or the worse, random price like $927
- Saying price is "Firm"..

- Reducing price by insignificant amount to bump ad
- Tooting own horn, i.e describing how awesome their product is.. Comes across as desperate to me..
- Seller saying they will lose money or taking a big loss .. Not my problem..

- Selling several items in one ad and updating the ad to say "SOLD" on certain items.
Thanx "4krowme".

Yeah, I have made a few X-mas celebrations sound at least a bit sweeter I believe. You can tell at times someone's  true intent simply through the questions they will ask. And sometimes I think of how it was years ago for me. Saving for a piece of gear or parts to build something new. And depending on your location many live far from another person whom may share the same ideology and love of the music that audiophiles seem to just, "get". And then there is the fact that there are almost no "Brick and mortar" audio stores left.
That all makes it quite hard for new people to join this hobby.
So as I find them. I help as much as I can. And have indeed sent matching gear and peripheral items also. That went along with whatever piece the person had purchased from me. To those I felt could and would appreciate it much more than the box it was gathering cobwebs in! Especially around Christmas time.. And many times it has been myself, that lowered a price. Usually after not being asked to. But because I could. For certain people. Some of them? I still correspond with even after many years! Selling gear to make money was never my "forte" to begin with. I just like to, "Once in awhile"?  Break even!
Hee hee, but that will never happen!
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Lots of well lit pictures from multiple angles... and if it’s electronics being offered, one showing the unit powered on please.