My own audio store

I was chatting with a local dealer who knows me well ,and he asked what I wanted to do when the day comes for me to retire. I told him it would be fun to own an audio store, he laughed and said I already have enough gear to open a store. So, I decided to take an invetnory and see what I have, here it is:

Main System:

Oracle Delphi MkIV, SME345 Arm, Grado Reference Cartridge (marble base)

Lehmann Black Cube Phono Preamplifier

YBD CD Integre CD player (Brightstar base, with remote)

Magnum Dynalab FT11 tuner (Brightstar base)

Balanced Audio Technology VK30 Preamplifier (with remote)

Grado RA-1 Headphone Amplifier

Balanced Audio Technology VK500 amplifier (with BATPAK)

Martin Logan Quest Z speakers

MIT Z-Cord II powerstrip

(2) 5' Synergistic Research AC Reference power cords (preamplifier, phono stage)

(1) YBA Diamond power cord (CD player)

(2) Harmonic Technology Pro AC11 power cords (amplifier)

(2) MIT Z-Cord II power cords (speakers)

(1) Transparent MusicLink 100 interconnect cord (YBA CD player)

Classe Audio interconnect (Lehmann Black Cube Phono stage)

Ultralink Discovery interconnect (Magnum Dynalab tuner, Grado headphone amplifier)

Goertz Micropurl 25' Balanced interconnect (preamplifier to amplifier)

Transparent 10' Bi-Wire speaker cables (spades)

Custom built oak stand for source components, preamplifier, and music. Amplifier stand

Bedroom System:

NAD L40 Receiver (integrated tuner CD player)

B&W LM1 speakers, QED 20' flat ribbon speaker wires

Sony KV ST2050 20" television

Work system:

SystemDek IIX turntable, Profile arm, Grado Black cartridge, EAR feet

Audio Refinement Complete CD player (with remote)

Audio Refinement Complete tuner

NAD 6050C tape deck

Classe Audio Model Thirty preamplifier (with phono stage and remote, EAR feet)

Classe Audio DR-8 amplifier (EAR feet)

Martin Logan Aerius bi-wire speakers (3 Audio Selection spikes under each speaker)

Target wall mounted turntable stand, art deco triangular stand, amplifier stand

Synergistic Research AC Reference power cord (90 degree female plug, amplifier)

(2) Audioquest power cords (preamplifier, CD player)

Martin Logan stock power cords

QED Silver Anniversary flat silver biwire speaker cables, MIT spades and banana plugs

Goertz M1 6' flat balanced interconnect (preamplifier to amplifier)

Cambridge Audio Pacific interconnect (CD player)

Ultralink Challenger interconnect (tape deck)

Cambridge Audio Artic interconnect (tuner)

Phono extension cord
Traveling System:

Panasonic SL-S360 portable CD player

Headroom Airhead headphone amplifier with Headroom travel bag and interconnect

Sennheiser HD600 headphones

Home office system:

Oracle Alexandria turntable, MMT arm, Grado Platinum cartridge

Dynaco CDV-2 Tubed CD player (remote control)

Aragon D2A DAC with external IPS power supply

NAD 7100 Reference Series receiver (remote control)

Totem Rokk biwire speakers

Atlantic Reference series 5-shelf stand (mahogany)

Atlantic Reference series speaker stands (mahogany)

Cambridge Audio K-500 Isomagic Isolation Platform (under the turntable)

QED Silver Anniversary flat silver biwire speaker cables, banana plugs

Sony KV1326R 13" television, wall mounted swivel stand

Tara Labs Space and Time Digital cable

(2) Cambridge Audio Artic Interconnect

Audioquest Powerstrip

Garage System:

NAD 513 3-disc CD player

Denon LA2500 LaserDisc player

Toshiba M675 Super VHS VCR

Toshiba CX2074C 20" Television, wall mounted swivel stand

NAD 7250PE receiver

B&W DM302 speakers, wall-mounted swivel speaker supports

Classe Audio interconnect (CD player)

Monster interconnect (Laser disc and VCR)

Audiophile Reference 5' speaker cable (10 gauge)

Outdoor System:

Pioneer PD M650 6-disc CD player

Carver HR752 receiver (remote)

Mirage Oasis outdoor speakers

Ultralink discovery interconnect

Technicontact FT2 speaker wire

Home Theatre:

Toshiba SD 1600 DVD player

NAD T760 HT Receiver

Sony KV35V35 36" television

(5) Gallo micro speakers

Gallo MPS150 powered subwoofer

Marantz RC2000 MKII remote control

Monster 16 gauge speaker wire

Monster S-video cable
Gotta say I think mr khan might have you here boss. While I might not agree to the letter how he chose to point out your clear lapse in manners or judgment (e.g., I might have said 'assface' or something else instead), in spirit he's got you pinned.

I think it's great anytime anyone (except lev) says anything positive or negative. But if making a negative comment, you need to be extra-sure there is at least something redeeming about it, or it just ain't cool to do. That's the standard. And as such, that comment doesn't pass the simple test. Most everyone here agrees, it sucked all the way around.

Now, we can sit around here all day long going back-and-forth over who is the most-out-of-line for saying what, that was the worst. But. You asked for it. The internet is an 'R' rated adult atmosphere. If you said that same thing to someone's face (you wouldn't, people would slash your tires) you'd expect to be called that or worse. I'd call you that without thinking twice. So, get off the high-horse my man, that apology up there was the better tack.


Chris, you are correct about the possibility of going back and forth all day. That is why these will be my last comments on this subject (feel free to cheer at this point). I apoligize to everyone for dragging them through this. From now on I will stick to discussing audio matters.

I also have no problem with the "spirit" of Khan's post. Disagree with me all you like. Criticize me all you wish. However, unlike you, I do have a problem when it degenerates to name calling. Surely we can do better than that if we are the adults you profess us to be.
Bruce, You mention above that those are your last words on this subject, and you would commit to confining yourself to audio matters only. Are you sure that is right? In retrospect, it seems a little disingenuous.

Who else is on your hit list? Should anyone else be worried about what you are going to dig up and send to Audiogon? I literally cannot believe what you did. The only thing vulgar around here is your bein' a stool pigeon. I just wish Audiogon would not have removed Khan's thread containing your from-a-rat email so everyone else could know what I am talking about. Even so, you gotta admit, you suck pretty bad for that.

Hey - quit trolling, huh? If A-gon spiked the thread, it probably isn't worth our time. And the above post is just a back door approach to reviving it. Please let it die, at least publicly. This is exactly the kind of thing that's gonna stir up all kinds of rancor and reduce the level of useful, civilized conversation we come here for. I strongly encourage Bruce to stick to his word and tackle this privately, and ask you to take it on there, as well.

You could ask why I even care, if I don't like this type of thread I don't have to read it, etc. Well, my answer is twofold: 1. Like all humans, I find carnage fascinating. I'm gonna read those threads like I watch bad hockey games, just to see who gets bloodied. Doesn't mean I like bad hockey games, it's just human nature. Train wreckes, car crashes, Mike Tyson fights, we all are the audience, often despite ourselves. 2. In my opinion, the more this type of thread is developed, the more of this type of thread we're gonna see. People who WANT to raise hell get encouraged by fist fights and happily propagate them throughout the site. We need LESS antagonism on this site, not more. And in my opinion, your post above increases the general antagonism level. Not a good thing for anyone, in my opinion. Which is as close as I can bring this to the core purpose we theoretically all come here to advance - knowledge of audio thru shared experience.

With respect to all:
