My pet peeve: "revealing" speakers

The one word that bugs me the most in all of the audiophile world is "revealing." 

It's plenty descriptive but it's also biased.  What I mean is that speakers that are revealing are also usually quite colored. They don't unveil a recording, they focus your attention by suppressing some tones and enhancing others. The reviewer who suddenly discovers hearing things he has never heard before and now goes through his entire library has fallen for this trap hook line and sinker.

This is not always true, as some speakers are revealing by ignoring the room.  They can remain tonally neutral but give you a headphone like experience.  I'm not talking about them.  I'm talking about the others.  I  wish we had a better word for it.

Mind you, I believe you should buy speakers based on your personal preferences.  Revealing, warm, neutral, whatever.  I'm just saying this word is deceptive, as if there were no down side when there is. 


Maybe it works like hifi itself. If you think it sounds good, it does. If you think it is revealing, it is. if you think revealing is bad,.....

@mahgister- The article does mention clean (I’d add ample) AC and vibration control, which, "aided" the author in obtaining greater system resolution. Though I’ve always considered both those and room acoustics (per Sabin, etc) primary, far as setting up either a live venue, or home listening room; I’ve never heard the term, "embedding" applied. Does make sense. It’s been my experience; only after those are correctly addressed/implemented, can one appreciate the improvements (ie: resolved/revealed microdynamics) so many of the oft-argued about components or, "tweaks" offer. Happy listening!

"Embeddings" is a word for describing  this triple necessary interaction where any electronic component is immersed in and work with...

Embeddings controls do no refer to "tweaks", no tweak solve the problem by itself...

A bunch of tweaks does not add to a method...

The method is an experimental listenings journey, implying many devices or materials specifically created for one "specific" need (room house audio system and ears) ...

"Generic" costly tweaks are not my way....I prefer "specific" homemade solutions adjusted to my ears and material conditions in my house....

My best to you rodman....
@mahgister- I thought I was being quite clear; in that clean and ample AC, vibration control and room acoustics are PRIMARY, in my experience and different from tweaks.                          ie: "It’s been my experience; only after those (the above mentioned) are correctly addressed/implemented, can most truly appreciate the improvements (ie: resolved/revealed microdynamics) so many of the oft-argued about components or, "tweaks" offer.
No i was giving my own definition and absolutely not criticizing you....I thank you for giving to me the opportunity to explain myself....

We perfectly understand one another i think....You were clear yes, and i seize this moment for clarifying my own experience....

I apologize if my post has suggest the contrary...It was not my intention at all....I only wanted to  elaborate about the  term "embeddings"....

I’ve never heard the term, "embedding" applied. Does make sense.

My best to you
@mahgister- Of course; how others communicate their ideas/perceptions is often a learning experience.                 Somewhat: the theme of this thread.     Happy listening!