My speakers don't "dissapear"

Equipment used: Krell 400xi, Krell DVD Standard, Focal Utopia Mico Be's.

I have had my system for a couple months now. I have tweaked and moved and adjusted (even rearranged my living room) to get the speakers to image and "disappear" but no luck. No matter what I do, I can clearly tell the sound is coming from the speakers, no soundstage.

Will more burn in help? I only have about 40 hrs on the equipment in it's current state.
Leave your door unlocked. It may take awhile but they will disappear forever.

Indeed - like the thread about the economy. It was erased and I can't find Macrojack's wise comments. Just like the $300 billion of taxpayer money that may get erased with the Freddie and Fannie mother of all private enterprise bail outs. It seems capitalism has become a ponzi scheme - when things go well and state assets are sold off (privatized) it helps make money for bankers but when things go badly wrong the taxpayer steps in once again to clean up (and banks are saved). Man this ponzi system of capitalism is great (if you happen to be on the right side of the gravy train that is....)
I'm afraid the only change the candidates are looking for is in my pocket.
"Are your speakers wired out of phase?" Years ago, I had a pair of Rectilinear III's that came from the factory that were in fact, wired out of phase. I simply wired them out of phase from my amplifier and the problem was solved, but the take home point is that this CAN and DOES happen. (Just my 2 cents, FWIW). Happy Listening
If two speakers are out of relative phase, the sound seems to be coming from everywhere (or nowhere in particular), but, usually not straight out of the speaker. But, an incorrectly wired speaker could be an issue. If the drivers are incorrectly wired in one speaker, this could damage imaging while not obviously being out of phase (I've seen speakers with such internal wiring issues).

Still, my bet is that it is a speaker placement issue. IT sometimes takes a whole lot of experimentation to find a good spot. I've seen a few rooms where a really good spot just did not seem to be available, but even there, persistence at least yielded the best of a bad situation.