My venture into the world if demagnitizing vinyl. Your results may vary.

Ok, I have been using my hand held demagnitizer (tape bulk eraser) on these particular versions of records in my collection that have accentuated treble ( The Who- "Who's Next" MCA masterphile, "Tommy", "Sell Out" , Ted Nugent "CSF" and the Dixie Dregs "Industry Standard" and the initial results are in. YES! a resounding yes. Positive. Eye opening or should I say ear opening. At first I was skeptical having heard about it from a Michael Fremer review about 8 years ago. The curiosity finally overwhelmed me. Boy I wish I had known and tried this earlier. The single best tweek I have experienced bar none. After treatment every note was the most profound note ever struck until the next one and the next one with me anxiously waiting for that next note. It was like analog on acid with me hearing a whole new sonic landscape. I can now imagine how it is justified by spending 3 grand on a dedicated device. My procedure is as follows with a Radio Shack bulk eraser. To protect the record I laid it on an album sleeve with another sleeve on top to protect the record to get as close as possible with the unit. I used the unit as I would on a tape deck with being slow and steady. I also did both sides.
  Ok ok I'm being serious now. Back to earth and not the way over the top and dramatic description as the above. I might (BEING THE KEY WORD) might have heard a high frequency mellowing on CSF and the Dixie Dregs. Actually on CSF it was a little more than maybe. I'm a little embarrassed saying that and that leaves me open to ridicule. That perplexes me. I know its far out there in pseudo science land but I think or maybe I thought I heard something subtle. Definitely it's not a slam dunk case. The science states that there is practically nothing on the record that would react to any degree with a demagnitizer. I might try a couple more. I would hope some fellow Audiogoners would have an open mind and see if they have any positive results with the procedure above with some treble accentuated records.
I also have diminished hearing and it was hard to tell.
Oh well it was fun.

Thanks for sharing your experiences.  Exactly how did you make the comparison?  I assume you listened to the record, did the treatment and then played the record again.  I can only guess at the time lapse between playings.  As a further experiment I suggest you repeat the process but leave out the demag part.  Even with no "treatment" the record may sound slightly different.
I listened to it before and after. I didn't touch the volume control. I'm playing Black Sabbaths debut right now and there is no difference at all. Maybe some records have impurities in the batch of vinyl. Who knows. 
Warning. Do not do this with your record on the TT. You will ruin your cartridge.
Elon Musk Tweeted this on august 28th:

“All of physics is either impossible or trivial. It is impossible until you understand it, and then it becomes trivial.” --E Rutherford

So, right now, the demagnetizing is seemingly like it is impossible.

If the mechanism, if there is any..if it is discovered -- then it will become trivial.

At such a point...the wanky out of control dogmatic and linear minded will focus their guns of personal desire and projections..they will find someone else to focus on or punish, for investigating or proposing the impossible.

As the issues are not in science or physics, the issues are in the people who are in it or observing it.

the problem at hand has nothing to do with logic, or the proposal of the idea of scientific investigation.. the problem is all in the area of human faults.

Like Max Planck said: "Science advances -funeral by funeral."

Meaning, when the old guard who refuse to embrace, understand or cognate the new (whether they are dense or whatever the cause)..when they finally die..and are put in the ground -then the world can move forward.

FYI, Both Planck and Rutherford were absolutely fundamental to the science and physics that we understand today. They were well familiar with the insanity of denial in their own areas of research and investigation.

As for this post: Don’t project any of one's self into it, and then put that self made chip on one's shoulder and then wail, scream, and rail against it.

As that would be crazy, wouldn’t it....
teo, what can I say. That is a rather long explanation to justify someones perception of sound quality which humans are notoriously poor at doing in this fashion. On the other hand vinyl is in no way shape or form magnetizable so in waving a demagnetizer over it you are subjecting an object that can not possibly be magnetized to an oscillating magnetic field at 60 Hz doing absolutely nothing other than exercising the arm. 
Blueranger, save your demagnetizer for your tape heads and wonder at how your brain can trick you into believing something that can not possibly be true.