My wife passed yesterday

I just wanted to share with my Audiogon brothers that my wife of 20 years passed on 10/25/14 from a heart attack. She loved good audio and good music and she supported me in my hobby at every turn. I haven't been able to listen to any music since her death, but I hope I will find comfort in it going forward. She never at any time criticized me for spending so much on audio and she always thought I should have what I liked. She was a rare individual and she will be missed by many people.
10-30-14: Rx8man
Chayro, my sympathy to you and your family.

May God be with you and your wife in Heaven, stay strong brother.
+ 1. Nicely said Rx.
Chayro, that is horrible. As Schubert so rightly said, allow yourself the time and space to grieve and heal. Shalom....
Please accept my deepest condolences; my thoughts and prayers to you and your family.
My sincerest and belated condolence in your loss.
You had a rare experience that others only dream about.
May you find comfort soon.