NAD vs. Cambridge Audio

I've been researching an integrated amp for my Studio-20s and am thinking NAD or Cambridge Audio. I like the CA 650A but the NAD C355bee
has gotten very good press too. I am looking for something in the 60-90w/ch range.
How does NAD and CA compare in terms of sound quality?
Build quality, reliability?
I like the look and layout of the CA but NAD has a good rep. Sound quality will be priority.

This is for stereo, music only.

My experience listening to Dynaudio speakers and other manufacturers that use Dynaudio drivers, as well as discussing these speakers w/ sales staff has indicated that they do there very best w/ high quality amplification w/ deep bass, and outstanding drive and dynamics. I would think NAD my be on the lesser side of adequate amplification, not that it isn't usable.
Well, I ended up buying a Naim Nait 5i. I listened to a CA650A against the Naim and definitely liked the Naim sound better. It seemed smoother and the CA seemed to have the highs overly accentuated. I've been using the Nait for 2 weeks now in my living room and the setup sounds wonderful !!!

Great choice, and definitely worth the extra money. It has a very organic sound that is captivating and involving.

CA gear, like some other brands, might be bright w/ the wrong cabling, speakers, etc. Because of a bad mix of gear, is why some folk go for softer, warmer gear, as it is just blend easier to mate. I find my CA amp staggering for the money in my system as it is set up. It's all about synergy.

That is one thing I've always liked about Linn and Naim. The synergy in their full system makes it hard to do much better for the money spent, even though it is a bit pricey. They make it easy to enjoy the music.
My vote goes for the NAD. I have not heard Cambridge Audio but I do own Arcam.
I just received a 315bee to power Studio 40s v4. It's bit early to talk about it as the amp has been playing for only 15 hours, but I can say that, right out of the box, it is distinctively heavier on the bass / upper-bass frequencies compared to arcam (arcam maybe the same as cambridge audio with a higher price tag). Much much warmer. Another thing that striked me is how much more detail it reveals. Really, this little NAD could make the 3x more expensive arcam pass for a bestbuy superstore brand. In any case, burned-in or not burned-in, it plays loud without shouting, it is very musical, and it feels a lot more dynamic/powerful than 40wpc. Very nice indeed. I do not know yet if I need more power; I will make the decision to keep it or to get the 326 next week.
How can someone say one brand is better than another brand he admits he has never heard. That is illogical.