
I’ve never heard a Naim amp but would like to. The 500DR amp is only 140 watts a channel and costs 35k!! Also it only weighs 50lbs? What the hell could be in this thing that would make it worth a quarter of that? Also they pride themselves on using what sounds good not what’s necessarily expensive. No fancy casework no bling. So I don’t think there is anything special in there component wise, I could be wrong. This thing costs 700 bucks a lb?? Don’t hear much about naim separates on here what ye all say??

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A $35K amp can definitely be worth it… I guess mine was $22K and well worth it. The only way to find out is to read professional reviews and to listen to it… with components you understand.


Having said that, Naim has never appealed to me. To me it strips them music out of the sound.. at least did a number years ago. But house sounds don’t generally change over time. Also, a rule of mine, proven repeatedly over fifty years is heavier is better. So I am suspicious. Any amp I buy will weigh over 100 pounds… preferably a lot more.

Oh I’m sure there are 35k amps that are worth it for some people. I’m just saying just seeing the specs and such of the Naim products I don’t see the value and am curious. Sounds like dalims4 was not too impressed. Ive seen a lot of pricey amps but they weigh 100 lbs plus and look like jewelry. 

supernait 3 for example. It’s 80 watts. They say well it’s like no other 80 watts you ever heard blah blah. Even talk about they don’t like the 1% resistors they like the 5% but say they match them in house.
Well it’s still 80 watts and it’s a 24lb integrated. Maybe it’s absolutely fanFingtastic? I don’t know but it’s intriguing to me. 

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What’s in the rest of your system ? i have three NAIM components, 2X Unitiserve both w affordable and excellent Pardo LPS. Back in the day you would be hard pressed to buy a better sounding server, it has since been displaced ..but not for less money. I also have the Uniti Atom which includes preamp /streamer / 40 wpc LiL mulekicker of a power amp. A great all in one sans phono preamp. Atom is about $3,500. I have heard the higher end seperates and frankly don’t see value unless you are a NAIM fanatic including the old skool speakers. My liquid cooled made in USA monoblocks are a mere $208 per pound…..
