As always, you generate many words and miss the point. I have tremendous respect for Andrew Jones. He is one of our premier speaker designers and I’m sure that Elacs sound wonderful.
As to your desire to put tomic601 and I in the same room to compare Vandy 7s and Alexias, I would be happy to do that as you suggest. It would, as you say, be priceless. I have heard the Vandy 7s many times with the very electronics I use to drive my Sashas and I think they are great speakers as well, although a fairer comparison would be Vandy 7s vs Alexia v2s. Judging from tomic601’s reasonable and well balanced posts, I believe we would discuss the different attributes of each speaker, why we might prefer how one presents music over the other and have a great time as I do (and I’m sure he does) with many audiophile friends with different preferences. Unlike you, I would never conclude that tomic601 is a "fanboy" if he prefers Vandys and I’m sure he would not call me a "fanboy" for preferring Wilsons. Nor would he tell me that I must prefer balsa drivers because they are more innovative and advanced than paper pulp and I would not say that he must prefer Wilson’s advanced cabinetry technology over the new Vandy enclosures. You see, "fanboy" is, to me, a pejorative word best used to describe an eighth grade rival who prefers one comic book or superhero over another. That word has no point in civil adult conversation. But you use it all the time to describe anyone who prefers a brand over one which you carry.
Once again, it is not the products you carry --some of which are very good. It is how you promote them here and how you criticize other who disagree with you by usually citing technology, your experience or your trained ear--which every other reputable dealer can do, but does not do here because it is so distasteful and would lead to endless arguments between dealers as to who has the best technology, experience and ear. You also fail to realize that there are many members here have decades of experience in the high end industry, have heard hundreds, if not thousands of speakers, read the trade mags and white papers with respect to technological innovation in speaker design and do not need to be told how you have the best stuff because, as a scientific fact, your brands have the best technology to accurately portray the source. If that were true, we could all just go out and buy Magico and not bother to Quads, Harbeth, Proac, Verity Audio or the like. Your usual comeback is in the following vein:--"I’m just trying to impart valuable information including my golden ears and vast experience to those who may not have considered the brands I carry and suggest that they give my brands a listen"
Wouldn’t any dealer frame their sales job that way? I’m so happy that they don’t and we only have to listen to you do it.
As always, you generate many words and miss the point. I have tremendous respect for Andrew Jones. He is one of our premier speaker designers and I’m sure that Elacs sound wonderful.
As to your desire to put tomic601 and I in the same room to compare Vandy 7s and Alexias, I would be happy to do that as you suggest. It would, as you say, be priceless. I have heard the Vandy 7s many times with the very electronics I use to drive my Sashas and I think they are great speakers as well, although a fairer comparison would be Vandy 7s vs Alexia v2s. Judging from tomic601’s reasonable and well balanced posts, I believe we would discuss the different attributes of each speaker, why we might prefer how one presents music over the other and have a great time as I do (and I’m sure he does) with many audiophile friends with different preferences. Unlike you, I would never conclude that tomic601 is a "fanboy" if he prefers Vandys and I’m sure he would not call me a "fanboy" for preferring Wilsons. Nor would he tell me that I must prefer balsa drivers because they are more innovative and advanced than paper pulp and I would not say that he must prefer Wilson’s advanced cabinetry technology over the new Vandy enclosures. You see, "fanboy" is, to me, a pejorative word best used to describe an eighth grade rival who prefers one comic book or superhero over another. That word has no point in civil adult conversation. But you use it all the time to describe anyone who prefers a brand over one which you carry.
Once again, it is not the products you carry --some of which are very good. It is how you promote them here and how you criticize other who disagree with you by usually citing technology, your experience or your trained ear--which every other reputable dealer can do, but does not do here because it is so distasteful and would lead to endless arguments between dealers as to who has the best technology, experience and ear. You also fail to realize that there are many members here have decades of experience in the high end industry, have heard hundreds, if not thousands of speakers, read the trade mags and white papers with respect to technological innovation in speaker design and do not need to be told how you have the best stuff because, as a scientific fact, your brands have the best technology to accurately portray the source. If that were true, we could all just go out and buy Magico and not bother to Quads, Harbeth, Proac, Verity Audio or the like. Your usual comeback is in the following vein:--"I’m just trying to impart valuable information including my golden ears and vast experience to those who may not have considered the brands I carry and suggest that they give my brands a listen"
Wouldn’t any dealer frame their sales job that way? I’m so happy that they don’t and we only have to listen to you do it.