Naim and Elac Adante, Wow

The new Elac Adantes are creating a lot of buzz both good and bad.

We were mixed on the speakers initially as certain sonic aspects were fantastic while others were less then satisfactory.

The Adante AS 61 has a relatively low sensitivity so we thought 40 watts will not be enough.

Surprise the Naim Uniti Atom with Wireworld cables produced an intoxicating sound.

The Atom is warm and punchy so the combo matched perfectly.

Elac and Naim fantastic together and affordable.

3k amp which includes dac and streamer,  plus 2.5k speakers other then cables and stands this combo would make a lot of people very happy.

We would urge prospective Adante purchasers to seek out this combo these two products mesh while other combos of electronics with the Adantes may be why some people are not liking the speakers.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ
Nice words Contuzzi, I am still pondering your comments " Keep in mind I have about two months worth of experience with them (AS and AF) ahead of you."

If you hate the speakers you are not an owner, as an owner would’t purchase two pairs of speakers they don’t like.

So you work for or are in the Industry do you want to explain that one?

As per your opinions, we do agree on how good the Personas can be, however, your lack of credibility about the importance of cables or electronics in shaping sound is downright hard to believe by someone with experience unless that person works at a store setup with a switchboard or one that sells only decent but not high end electronics.

Amplifers absolutely sound different not just tubes to solid state,

We have Cambridge Audio clean but a bit bright sound, compare that to a Naim which is warm and full bodied on the same speaker and you will get totally different results.

We never said the Adantes are perfect they are not they can sound really impressive with explosive dynaimcs and tight visceral bass providing you use compliementary electronics and cabling.

A great audio guy can take a speaker or amp and match it with the appropirate, electronics, cabling and digital to make a system that sounds great a bad one, just hooks up a set of speakers and pronunces them good or bad. It is something called synergy.

Good luck Contuzzi.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

PS all you haters, we now have Motherberg, ZZ,Arafiq, and Randysa who finds our posts informatve. In all four cases ZZ no one has purchased anything from us! 

You guys really need to grow up a bit and view these forums as a place to exchange experiences which we have over 30 years of professional experience.
Grgr4blu as usual you don’t get it, four other people on this thread found our comments both useful and enlightening.

It is becaue we have experience through years and years of testing and experimentation that we can offer perspectives that many people find useful.

In our shop we have a huge selection of digital products so we can actually guide a prospective client, so we know the differences between brands.

The point I was making about you and Tomic, is the ever over the top pefect piston argument, that people who are Vandy fans, as well as the time and phase alignment is the only way to build a speaker.

As a former Wilson owner whose speakers are not phase aligned, we don’t feel that is true as the WP 3/2 and 5 in their day sounded fantastic and we know you love your Sasha WP.

As per fanboy being a perjorative, it is. personally I hate all of the fanboys, not the people per se but this attitude, I know of one poster not Tomic, on every thread, there is usually one and only one brand of speaker that he ever really mentions. I don’t know about you but I find there are a lot of great speakers out there including ones we sell and ones we don’t, like Rockport and Vivid which we talk about but don’t sell either.

A fanboy is the type of person who believes that the Tekton is the best speaker for all listners, a fanboy only spouts Vandy or Wilson or whatever at every post, they don’t understand many brands because they may have limited experience.

If you notice we talk about specific speakers to appeal to specific listeners, tastes and budgets and room decor. Unless it is a post about choices where we usually mention our three reference lines the Kef Blades, the Legacy Aeris and the Paradigms. You will also notice we don’t usually say these are better but you may find them to be better and they rival x or y or may be better at this or that.

In the case of the Paradigms vs the Kharma Exquistes a $120k set of speakers we said they were very good just not worth that kind of money, you see we have to purchase our demo products so if we don’t think something is worth the money it is kind of hard to sell.

Many people are equilly tired of your incessant blathering and as demonstrated many peole, four in this thread, found our comments to be helpful, beneficial and of guidance does anyone find any value in your comments?

Stop trying to voice your views on the forums about our behavior and either bring to the forums your vast experience or just clam up.

Stick to the topic which is how does the Adante perform with a Naim and are there othe people who have found a musically pleasing combination with the speakers?

And if this was a shill/sales post, then don’t you think we would not point out that the speakers are not perfect and they do have some issues?

Yes on the Naim Atom with WIreworld cables and the Adante AS 61 listening to streaming music was totally fantastic and was engaging.

Please add something about how the speakers sound based on your experience.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor NJ

gpgr4 blu

stop by any time for that wonderful listening session - music matters... i have some 100 year old vine Zin layed away for just such an event !!!!!!
At one time I was on the fence about audiotroy. But I have come to appreciate his posts, long winded some may be. There are a few vandersteen owners/dealer here who resemble shills far more than him. IMHO, YMMV, etc., .........
In the modern world, it seems that in various spheres people have discovered that an opinionated and sometimes obnoxious stream of constant noise about whatever it is that they're hawking (ideas, or products) gets them noticed.  Apparently, the audio world has not gone unscathed...