NBS cables vs Kharma cables with Lamm gear ?

i am looking to buy a pair of lamm m1.1 and a lamm l2 and
when i told the dealer that i was goig to put nbs cables
he told me that i would lost the musical essence of the
lamm ,he said it was best to use kharma cables .is it
because they can't sell nbs cables that dealers dont't like
or don't recommand them?i am curently using nbs cable and
am very happy with the result(i have tried over a dozen
big name cables and never achive the result that i have with nbs).
tank's for your advice

Showing 1 response by gmorris

Well spoken. Your advise was very objective.

I find the top of the line NBS cables to be exceptionally musical and natural sounding and are not more "coloured" than other top cables. Simply try the cables in your system and depend on your own ears not the dealer's who has a financial interest in selling you the other cable.