Agree. Assuming the sources (and amplifier) have appropriate impedance and voltage numbers, a passive can deliver state the art sound quality at a modest price.
Having said that, I think the dollars are adding up and the total price may now be beyond the original budget.
Yeah, it's complicated.
But bang for your buck, I think an integrated would be really appropriate here. An LFD Zero MK3 is available right now for $1800 asking on Audiogon, and it is a superb piece of equipment. It isn't quite as good as the NC400, but it's awfully close, and will blow away what the OP currently has.
Having said that, I think the dollars are adding up and the total price may now be beyond the original budget.
Yeah, it's complicated.
But bang for your buck, I think an integrated would be really appropriate here. An LFD Zero MK3 is available right now for $1800 asking on Audiogon, and it is a superb piece of equipment. It isn't quite as good as the NC400, but it's awfully close, and will blow away what the OP currently has.