Good input. Lots to consider. Volume, Amp, speakers, EQ, room, tubes, voice coil diameter, F-M Curve …
I will try the EQ first. I have thought about higher sensitivity speakers, always wondered about Fyne F700/701. A tube amp has been in the back of my mind, but there is much, for me, to love about the Accuphase vibe, and it is still new-ish.
@yoyoyaya yes, very close together, an unfortunate room limitation. Contributes to issue?
@cdc cannot find spec info for voice coil diameter, and more clues?
@moonwatcher thanks for the Frampton reference
@elliottbnewcombjr good info on the Loki bands, thx.
@deep_333 your right, time to sell everything.👎
Will do some research into the Fletcher-Munson Curve. Any recommended resources.
appreciate the Forum and it inhabitants.