Need a DAC Recommendation.

Im retired and can only spend $1200 to $1500 on a DAC. What would you recommend? I assume I will be in the Used market.  Thanks!
Border Patrol SE. Caused some controversy when it was reviewed. Why? Because it sounds great. Yup. That was controversial. In your price range new I believe and if not, just skip the SE part. Gary Dews makes excellent stuff. 
I recently connected a topping Topping d70s. I am absolutely thrilled with what it did for my system!
I have the Chord Qutest. It’s great. Not a bad review out there. I just added the Mscaler. Wow more of everything: Air, space, prat, bass, 3D. 
Qutest can be had in 9/10 used condition for $1300. Or spurge on a new one for not much more 
IMHO, buying a used DAC is like buying a used cell phone.

I wonder if there are any significant audible benefits to spending more than $500 on a new DAC in 2021…
IMHO, buying a used DAC is like buying a used cell phone.

i read these words but i have no idea what this means, what is the point... i have bought and sold 20-25 used dacs over the past year plus, ranging from $400 to $4000, and have been able to learn for myself how different dacs perform, and have done so fairly cost effectively

I wonder if there are any significant audible benefits to spending more than $500 on a new DAC in 2021…
there is... but as the saying goes, just cuz you can’t tell the difference on your system... 😁😁