Need a new AV receiver

AV receiver will be used 100% for movies and televsion (all two channel music will be through a Plinius 9200 integrated). I was thinking Denon 3806 (reviews seem to bag on the remote), Marantz 7001 or 8001, Arcam 350, Rotel 1057, Pioneer Elite VSX-84 and 82. Any preferences, or other ones I should be thinking about?

Showing 1 response by ltleo

hey guys, dont forget mcintosh mht200, or the135 and mc206. I gave the denons, marantz, and acrams a try but compared to the mc, they didnt come close in the sound. The only one I like almost as much was the b&k 507, great buy for the price. I run dali helicons with my mht200, two 400for the l&r, the c200 for my cent. and w200 for my rears. And the mc has no problem making these puppys singe. they are rated 4om too. Also the stero chnl is really good, sometimes as we all know the av amps sometimes lack in two chnle sound.Best of luck with what ever you get and enjoy.