Need help determining next upgrade - 3rd ATTEMPT

Hello, my third attempt in 3 days to get this thread started. My system sounds a little smeared when playing complex musical passages, I'd like to have more detail and separation. Consider the sound of a full orchestra or even the crescendos in the works of Explosions in the Sky. I blame either the pre-amp or amp for this. Seeking suggestions for upgrades in these areas.
Pre-amp: Halo P5, McCormack RLD-1, ??? (must have remote)
amp: Parasound A-21, Odyssey Stratos, ???
Check out my system link and let me know what you think.
Thanks Al, this speaker positioning was in response to a two-person seating layout, which is hard to do in this room. I had a friend over and we were auditioning cables. Was trying to widen out the stage a little. I did originally have the seats too close to the rear wall and we had to move them out. My typical arrangement has the speakers closer together.
In agreement with the person who said to treat your room with sound absorption. I would put monster bass traps behind your listening position. Best of Luck
Is there no way you can listen to them in a bigger room, perhaps at a friends house?
I had a room similar to this at one time. It was not easy to set up but what worked for me was using the Audio Physics method of speaker placement. It may be worth looking up and trying out. Almarg has suggested similar points in his post. Unfortunately you do not have a long wall but the system can still work with some modification. Put the listening chair within a couple feet of the back wall. Heavily treat the back wall, preferably with 4" panels. Then try moving your speakers into the room. In my set up they were half any in, but I also found that by moving them back towards the front wall in small increments that a third of the way in worked pretty good as well.

Another method you could try if it is feasible with your space is to use an off axis diagonal set up. If you visit the Decware website there is some good information on how to set this up. If anything you'll learn a lot about speaker placement which is not a bad skill to have.
Realremo, I would agree with others to work on the room acoustics first before you start down the hardware path. There are acoustic panel sites that can provide guidance based on your room size and recommend the proper amount of room treatment. You don't need to spend a ton of money. Perhaps some bass corner traps, and first reflection acoustic panels.