Need Help on Dedicated Electrical Lines

Getting ready to build out the media room as part of finishing the basement. Need ideas on how many dedicated lines I'll need; also breakers, receptacles, best wiring to use. I will have seperate CD player and DVD player, Musical Fidelity 308 Preamp and 308 Amp (250 watts/channel), seperate 5 channel amp (200 watts/channel), DLP projector, and a Cable/Satellite receiver. I have a Balance Power unit for the DVD and CD player and an Exact Power 2000 for the amps. Appreciate all comments
Timo is right ,that is critical. One line for each component.
Go VD site and look into the in wall cable they sell at 3.50 a foot. Might just be a good buy. Definatly a better choice than what JPS charges for thiers.
I agree with Timo and most of the above. Very important, and not often mentioned, use shielded wire! Even common electrical wire comes in shielded versions, that will make a big difference with RF interference. Good Luck.