Need Help With a Bright System

My system consists of two NAD C 272 monoblocks, an NAD C 162 preamp, and an NAD T 532 DVD player. The speakers are Triangle Antal XS. My problem is that the system can sound pretty edgy and bright on many recordings, particularly rock and pop albums. One very noticeable aspect of this bright sound is edgy vocals that have exaggerated sibilants (i.e. ā€˜Sā€™ sounds). I'm currently using a pair of Kimber Timbre interconnects between the preamp and monos, and Acoustic Research silver series interconnects between the dvd player and the preamp. I was using a pair of Kimber PBJs between the dvd player and preamp, but found the ARs to be warmer and better on the bass. The speaker cables are a pair of Straightwire Quartets, which I believe are plain copper. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get rid of this bright sound? Obviously I wouldn't like to lose detail while doing so, but I understand that this may be a trade off. I'm willing to make a necessary upgrade, but I just want to ensure that whatever I chose to upgrade will definitely take away a lot of the brightness that I currently hear in this system. I know that using a tube amp instead of solid state would make a huge difference, but what else can be done?

Showing 4 responses by the_kid

I think your problem is your speakers. Changing your cables is just a band aid and will only mask your problem at best. I have never heard Triangles sound decent with solid state gear. They sound mechanical and forward. Sell Them.. Problem Solved..

I will say this one more time. SELL THE SPEAKERS! They are your problem.

Sure they image but they are mechanical sounding, bright, and just not pleasant to listen to.

Why would you want to keep them?

I hear you on researching the speakers but let me share a friends experience. He too purchased the Triangles and I was taken back by how they imaged and the clearness you are explaining, I mean wow!, I heard it. However, I did not like anything else about the speaker. Also, try listening to them for over an hour. Better buy stock in Advil.

God forbid you try and play Rock & Roll on them which is what I (and my friend) listen to the most. I mean who really wants to listen to Patricia Barber and Norah Jones all day because of the recordings. It gets old and tiresome.

You see it is the "clearness" you are talking about that turns into "brightness-hash-glare" with a less than perfect digital recording.

I just set up a different friend with a budget bedroom system which consists of a NAD BBE integrated and a Pair of those inexpensive EPOS ELS-3s. Using a Rotel CD player and entry level AudioQuest, the system sounds fantastic. There is ZERO brightness and the system sounds much better than some bigger rigs I have heard for only $500.00 here on Audiogon used for the whole system.

I would put money on the table that your electronics are really not your problem. Putting vibration devices under equipment and changing cables will result in small changes but are merely band-aid and will not eliminate your problem. Why make sacrafices for the music when it is the most important thing here?



I heard them on Cary Tube and Electrocompaniet Solid State Gear. Something was just missing as the speakers sounded analytical and mechanical. Again, the imaging was impressive but the dynamics and musicality was just NOT there.

Also, I disagree that tube amps cannot deliver extended bass and there is not shortage of extension in my set up. Please see my system here on Audiogon.

Please keep in mind that reviews only go so far. I have read tons of reviews that I disagree with and some that I agree with. Maybe the reviewer did not listen for extended periods and I am sure he/she used only good recordings; not rock & roll. I agree with you though as it all comes down to system synergy which you are now missing.

I would reach out to other Triangle owners and see what their setups consist of. However, I again do not think that you will get what you are looking for out of the Antal XS speakers. My prediction is they will be on Audiogon in the Classifieds within 6 months after trying different combinations. Maybe I am wrong but I doubt it.

Good Luck!
