Need Help With Cartridge Re-tipping

Help, my son just destroyed the stylus on my Virtuoso Boron cartridge. Any idea where I can get it re-tipped ?. Any other alternative cartridges which have a high output, sound great and are relatively inexpensive. Among the cartridges that come to mind are the Dynavector 10X4 MK II, The Denon DL-160, and one of the less expensive Grados. The rest of my system consists of a SOTA STAR Sapphire with a Sumiko FT-4 tonearm.

Thanks Guys,

VAN DEL HUL via STANALOG AUDIO IMPORT (ask for George) 518-843-3070.
Garroth Brothers via Needle Doctor 1.800.229.0644 (ask for Jerry Raskin).
Benz Micro via MUSICAL SURROUNDINGS 510•420•0379 (ask for Garth)
you can go for where you will find all neccessary information including phone, e-mail and the adress as to VanDenHul.
Thanks for the advice guys. Can someone also tell me how to contact Van den Hul, Benz Micro or other "re-tippers".

Thanks again,

Benz Micro will do re-tips also. I have heard Koetsu, Kiseki and Cardas-Benz cartridges re-tipped by Benz and they sounded great.
I can vote for VanDenHul. They do the job right and if you need retip only they will NOT do a complete rebuild and save you a couple on that.
They're great people to talk with and provide an excellent service.
If it's only re-tip they would charge $300 for rebuild they would charge $500.
I don't believe that you would want to change your cartridge for Dyna 10x4 or cheap Grados instead of just fixing your cartridge.
I have a back-up cartridge which is very old(maybe 5 years) with no re-tipping or rebuilding and so you might get one just in case you need it.
Van den Hul and Garrott Bros. are 2 re-tipping options. I think VDH does a complete re-build, and Garrott does just a re-tip, if I remember right. VDH is somewhere around $400-$500. And I think Garrott is about $200. Those other cartridges you mentioned are good ones.