Need help with choosing a transport.

Currently I'm using a Rega Apollo purely as a transport and would like to replace it with a dedicated transport. I figure to be able to sell the Apollo for ~ $700 which I can turnaround and put into a transport. Here's the question: What's the best transport -- detailed, balanced, accurate, holographic, reliable -- $700 will buy?
Steveaustin, Well, I managed to find an improvement in the CAL Delta by flipping the phase switch on my TADAC and adjusting its "tubyness." I can live with it, for the time being at least. I think I'll wait for a CEC TL51X to come up used.
Pmboyd, I hope you will not mind if I jump in and ask my own related question here rather than start a new thread.

I'm also using a good DAC and feeding it largely from a headless Mac Mini server. But I still want to have easy-to-use, traditional CD playback in my system. I think my DAC (Bryston) will do a good job handling incoming jitter, so I'm not going to worry too much about sonics. My main criteria are human factors: I want a front loader with fast action, easy-access buttons, a good display, and a good remote. And it should be a workhorse. I think I'll be satisfied with a modest, mid-fi CD player so long as it meets these other requirements, but something like an Oppo DVD player does not (remote too busy, display too small, front panel too few controls).

Any suggestions? Would like to spend no more than $300-$400 used if I can.
Pmboyd - I also have the TADAC (which is great!) and started off using a Rega Planet 2000 as my transport (as it was my CDP before I moved to a separate DAC). The Rega was a good CDP, but IMHO was a poor transport, flat sounding, limited soundstage. I had an Acurus ACD-11 sitting around in my gear closet (yes, I have one too!) so I drug that out and tried it on a whim. I had found the ACD-11 to be a poor performing CDP (the Rega was much better as a one-piece) but the Acurus was great as a transport. It crapped out (skipping like a beast) but I was able to find an NOS Panasonic RAE0111Z mechanism and replaced it myself to great success (no more skipping!). The soundstage and detail out of the TADAC using the ACD-11 was very good, very muscial and much toe-tapping was had.

I was happy with this set-up, but while my ACD-11 was down for repairs I ran across someone selling a CAL Delta for ~$150 so I went for it (what the heck!). The best part was that the Delta had just had it's mechanism replaced less than a year before, so I knew skipping wouldn't be an issue. I ended up not getting the Delta shipped to me before I had fixed the ACD-11, so when it finally showed up I thought I would just keep the Detla as a backup. However, I did A/B testing of the ACD-11 versus the Delta (which I thought would sound similar since they use the same Panasonic RAE0111Z mechanism) and wouldn't you know that the CAL Delta sounded better with the TADAC! The detail and resolution was more refined, the soundstage and depth better placed and more accurate, and the physical width of the Delta pairs well with the also long and narrow TADAC.

I currently use a Signal Cable Silver Resolution digital IC between the transport and DAC, and then Signal Cable Audio 2 to my McCormack DNA-1 Deluxe monoblocks, with Signal Cable Ultimate bi-wires feeding my Chario Academy 1's. All power cables are also Signal Cable and they come off a Topaz Line 2 laboratory grade line conditioner. Maybe something to do with the synergy of my components makes the Delta outperform the Rega, or maybe the Apollo is a better transport than the Planet 2000? Who knows! Individual experiences vary, right?

I am just about to get a pair of new Merlin TSM-MME's (very excited) from Bobby P and am having Cardas GR's made for the speaker and IC cables, with Lightning 15 for the digital IC, so I will see how the various transports work with the new set-up here in a few weeks when all the parts come in.

I also use Mullard NOS long-plates from the 50's for the TADAC, and like them quite a bit.

Drubin - the CAL Delta fits your criteria - easy to use, only 4 buttons, front-loader, good remote, and used goes for around $200 (or less if you can find a deal like I did). If you get one, see if it is based on the Panasonic RAE0111Z or the RAE0113Z mechanism (both were made), and then go for the model using the 113, as you can still find NOS mechanisms for those pretty easily in case it needs to be replaced (easy to do if you are comfortable with desoldering and soldering). The 111Z is hard to find - I frankly got lucky in finding my replacement mechanism. The Delta also features an AES-EBU digital out, which is unusual for a player at this price point (in case you have a DAC that has this input).

Thanks all.
Before plunking down your $$$ on a tranports, I would look hard at a music server, with a lynxstudio card as the digital out to feed your DAC. Will likely outperform most of the tranports out there.