I am not a repair expert (but that has never stopped me from expressing an opinion...). I know it is possible to recone speakers and to replace surrounds, and have the speakers test to original spec's. There are even kits that you can buy to replace old or torn surrounds. My concern would be that the damage to the speaker(s) may have been due to abuse, such as playing them so loudly that a lot of distortion was created (by the amp). If that occurred, there could also be damage to the voice coil of the speaker, not just the surround. Having said that, the owner/seller of the AE2's you are considering states that the repair facility tested the speakers. I'd ask to see something in writing from the repair facility, and then call the repair people to verify. If everything is in good working shape, the speakers are certainly worth a serious look and listen. If it were me, however, I'd also want a pretty good deal on the price.