Need Preamp Recommendation

I'm going back to separates after years of owning just integrated amps (some tube, mostly solid state). The amp will be solid state, pure class A. I'm keeping the cost down for now. Up to, say $2K, are there significant sonic differences between tube and SS preamps and what is your preference sonically to mate with (class A) SS?
Quicksilver is a huge bang for the buck.  I don’t own a QS preamp but I do have a pair of Mid Mono amps that are awesome for the money, as is the QS headphone amp.  Built like tanks.   Point to point wiring , super reliable 
Preamp is also point to point , rarely seen at this price...  it is labor intensive so most companies just use a printed circuit board.   
All my tube gear moving forward will be point to point.   Much more reliable and easier to fix in most cases.   I bet John at Audio Connection will tell you the same thing he told me when I bought headphone amp...  if you don’t love it I’ll take it back.  That type of confidence means he rarely sees a QS piece come back.  It’s good stuff
I'll just echo what @avanti1960 said. Oh how I am drawn to tube rectification in my headphone amps, pre amps, phono stages.........
I’m having a 300b built , I’ve had several tube amps but this will be my first tube rectified amp.  
Those Quicksilver amps are sooo good , I was listening to them the other night questioning why I’m replacing them. Not replacing them exactly....  I will never sell them. 
what is your preference sonically to mate with (class A) SS?
Who cares?  The only thing that matters are your preferences.  What sound characteristics are you looking for?