Need recommendations for a streamer

I would like to upgrade from a Bluesound Node to a higher quality streamer.


The Node sounds fine with my current system, but I am making a second system for my wife, and the Node is going to that new system. I thought I would take the opportunity to upgrade my streamer at this time.


My criteria are that it be a streamer only (no DAC/storage/CD player, etc), be able to hook into wi-fi/cloud without a physical wire/connection, have balanced outputs to go to my DAC, and cost less than 2,500 USD. Can anybody think of a streamer that fits this bill?


The rest of my system:

DAC: Terminator II

Preamp: Schiit Freya+

Amps: PS Audio M1200 x 2

Speakers: Thiel CS 2.3




Another great option is Innuos Zen MK3. It doesn't support wireless, but as audphile1 mentioned, there are ways around it. I also have a Terminator II and it is paired with Innuos Zen's bigger brother -- Innuos Zenith MK3. I love this combo!


I don't understand what OP means by 'balanced output' into a DAC.

He might mean AES/EBU XLR 110 ohm digital output? Sometimes people refer to that as "balanced".


Thanks, @ghasley . I didn't realize that AES/EBU is a balanced design. I always thought that although you can use an XLR cable but it's not truly balanced.

I love the optical isolation from Sonore but I use Roon. Not sure but I think it can do streaming w/o roon. You might need computer then.  Innuos would be nice choice. Hear their app is very good. Ephoney is good too. Not sure of the spelling there