Need recommendations for inexpensive power cord

I’ve never used after market power cords and am considering buying a couple.  I have some questions:

Considering the astronomical price power cords go for, is there any point getting one or two in a lower price range?
At what price point do power cords start to make a difference in your system?
I have two monoblock NuForce class D 160 watt amps.  Is this where they should go? 
Can someone recommend an inexpensive power cord that can make a difference?

I have been using Pangea and especially noticed the difference with the AC-9 into my C-J classic 60.  I also took the time to run a dedicated 12 gauge Romex line with upgraded power outlet in the house.  If you are able all made a big difference of getting good power from the source of my breaker box.   
Upgraded power cords are still going to improve the sound of your music even with the use of your  Isotek power conditioner. The question is which piece of equipment should you try in on? I say this because you have not said what other components you are using and I'm guessing from your original post that you are only using stock power cords on all your compoients. 
I’m using two of the high power Isotek’s outlets for the monoblocks, and the other two outlets have the DAC and the transport.  The power cord to the Isotek is very high quality.
That being said, I like the change it’s made already.
Make your own ,
Buy Furutech plugs, IRC connectors and bulk power cable,
You'll get one of the best for the cost of a lesser pre-made one.