Need Recommendations on a CD Player

About 10 years ago I purchased a Cambridge Audio Azur 840C CD player. Unfortunately, it has developed a problem of emitting static through the 2-channel speakers on startup. The good news is that by cycling the power off & on, the static disappears & all is well. However, I am skeptical that the cost of repair might not make sense considering the price of a new unit.

That being said, I would appreciate some recommendations on a quality single-disc player. The thing that I have been questioning is whether I really need to spend somewhere in the neighborhood of $1,200 (U.S.) as I did for the Cambridge Audio player. I have a very good audio system, so I don't want the CD player to be unable to jeopardize the sound quality of everything "downstream". I guess that I am trying to find a balance between cost & quality.

Thanks in advance for any recommendations or considerations. It's much appreciated.

That's still the best sounding single disc player I've ever heard for under $2k.
what did Cambridge tell you about the cost of repair?

otherwise, get another one or an Oppo
I would talk to Cambridge before you move on.

That being said, I had an 840C for at least five years and I fully expected it to best the Oppo 105 I bought about five years ago. But for me, the Oppo is significantly better across the board. I sold the 840C years ago and don't miss it one bit. YMMV of course.