Need Speakers at least 4 feet high

Very disturbing what wives can do - first it was move them closer to the wall - did so, at significant cost of soundstaging and imaging - next, I come home and there is that huge, upholstered chair that she is crazy about, the size of the Whire House, completely obscuring the speaker! "What's the problem"? She asks, get higher speakers, then!!" So, I need your help. To do just that. I cant even see the right speaker now. The house-sized chair is planted right in front of the right speaker! Her revenge.
Budget - about $10-12K, must have coherence of Kharma 3.2 Enigmas, which they will replace. (And which some lucky soul with a kinder wife can buy:) Must image 2 ft from front wall, 8 ft apart, room size, 23' X 16 ft X high A type ceiling. System: EMM CDSD/DCC2, Sota Cosmos V, EAR 324, AS MP-1, AS MA 2.2,(200 WPC, Class A, OTL - likes 8 ohm inpedance) PAD Dominus S/C.
This is a serious request of y'all, so please, despite your suggestions of dumping the chair and the wife, let me know if there are any speakers out there that I should look at.
Didn't see any comments when I posted my last post. But seriously, you spend 80% of the "furniture" budget on three stereo systems, including your "own basement system that she's not allowed to enter" and yet you feel your wife is getting "revenge" for planting a "White House" size chair in front of one of your Kharma 3.2 Enigmas, and how she hates the "coffin size" structure that houses the AS MA2's?!? Thinks she's trying to tell you something. Hate to say this to you, but thia "imbecilic hobby" is turning you into a JERK (and btw, I'm a married man). Be a "decent man" and give her back "the family room", or don't be to surprised that the next thing that she "plants" is a letter from "her attorney" outlining the terms "she wants" in a divorce.
Dynaudio Confidence C2's or C4's would meet your price criteria if purchased used. The C2's are approx. 61" tall and the C4's come in at 69" tall. I have no experience with Kharma's speakers, but I've owned the C2's and now own the C4's, and can tell you Dynaudio's Confidence line is no slouch. There's a pair of Rosewood C4's currently listed at a decent price that you can look at.

Where you may run into an issue is the 2 foot distance from the back wall. I currently have my C4's approx. 36" from the wall to the back side of the speaker. You could stuff the rear ports with the foam plugs that come with the speakers.

Considering that you have two other systems, another consideration is to sell your problematic system and dump the funds into one of your other systems. But then again, based upon your system description, it does not sound like funding is a problem for you ;).
The Vienna Acoustic Beethoven Grands are four-feet-ish. The cabinetry is as good as any piece of furniture in the house. The WAF is extremely high. Take the budgeted money that you don't spend and plow it into your excellent already front-end.

As an alternative, what's wrong with moving the chair and plant when you're goint to listen seriously. I do that. Use a lazer line and rule to get them back into their exact places. When you're not seriously listening it won't matter what's there. If you're like me, you do most of your serious listening while she's out. It'll be no secret that you're moving the furniture, but just what you need to do to enjoy your hobby.

I second the suggestion for stands. Soundanchors can make the stands you need. Much cheaper and easier than selling and buying new speakers.
Springbok10, I would suggest the Newform Research line ( I have been living very happily with the 645 for about six years. They are a hybrid with conventional bass drivers and a ribbon for the upper range. Not only do they sound and image in a splendid way, the ribbon "pole" tops out at 75". I am a musician and often honk along with my sax or clarinet. The height of the ribbons, at close filed is perfect for the standing (or over the chair) listener. Obviously as you move away from the speaker, this has less of an impact. Becasue the ribbon is tall but narrow, it is not like having a 6' behemoth in your room. I can not recommend these more "highly." They cost about $3500 with the Loonie and greenback at par. Perhaps with the savings, you could interst your wife in a stylish chair from BB Italia or Cassina. Good luck. David