@goose +1 on the Innuos. Although the pulse mini has a dac. Just traded it for the pulse. So my vote is obviously Innuos.
Need suggestions on a streaming solution!
I already have a DAC that I really like, so I am looking for a simple streamer (sans DAC) that can be controlled from my Android tablet. All the streamers that I have looked at have DACs built in, and I don't see any reason to have the redundancy of another DAC. All my streaming is from Qobuz. this is simple enough to do with a Windows laptop but that's awkward because it has to be hard wired to the DAC input Via USB and I have to get out of the listening chair and go stand at the rack to browse music and change selections. I have been playing with a Hi Fi Rose RS 250 but again I'm paying for another DAC that I don't need. Does somebody make a box that will stream Qobuz from a LAN connection and be controlled with an Android tablet? I can't be the only person in the market for a product like this.
Suggestions are greatly appreciated.,
Thank you all,