Need to lay a portion of my high-end speakers cable under the floor ...

My [unfortunate] listening room layout means I am >compelled< to lay the middle third of my high-end speaker cables [2.5m each] under the floor. Sadly, this (non-ideal) arrangement is unavoidable (not least for safety reasons). I plan to have a 1 to 2 inch diameter duct (plastic or wood) laid down under the floor to act as the cable conduit over this mid section.
Apart from the fact that this arrangement genuinely sucks, are there any tips, experiences, tricks I can do to ensure I minimize the inevitable downside from this unfortunate situation? (Yes, moving house is an option ... moving listening room is not).
Is there any "conditioning" I can do to the underfloor conduit before hand to minimize detrimental distortion? Will raising the exposed cable segments be a total waste of time? System has Nordost SPM2s, but I will be upgrading soon (Ansuz perhaps) feeding Raidho D3s. Any ideas welcome.
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I can't see how a cables' position under or on the floor could possible make a difference. In my mind, having it under the floor(which is what I am doing), is preferable, to lying on the floor. As Stringreen said, is it near any AC wires?
Wow, I wish I only had 2.5 meters between the speakers and amp.
No AC or other possible issues, I think. I doubt if a plastic or wooden conduit would make any difference. Yup, 2.5m ... I guess you win some and lose some. Will post pics on the Systems when all the work is done. Glad others here have not had issues.
My  22 foot long speaker cables are under the floor and my system sounds just wonderful.  I have never had issues with any kind of noise.  Why go through the trouble of running a conduit?  Just lay em between the rafters and be done with it..  Just remember to leave some slack in the cables at both ends where it goes through the floor.