I greatly appreciate your honesty and humility and wise attitude...
You are right for sure about me...
But in this critical situation now that most people dont even imagine i have an excuse for my rant here against censorhip and indoctrination by fear...Perhaps if you are right with my unwise rant i am right about the general situation..
By the way my posts were against forced mass vaccinations remember, not against targetted at risk people vaccinations which is necessary ... And about treatment that were criminally banned... It is my only excuse...And on that i am right...
I will be happy if we stay friend...
hate to say it my friend but you have jumped the shark per se. You discredit scientists you disagree with like Dr. Fauci then come right back and criticize others for doing same to the ones you like.
I know you are smart and fair and will realize this. Perhaps do not be so fast on the trigger when posting. Don’t let your emotions replace rational thought.
Also I much prefer your embedding related posts here. At least that has relevance to the purpose of the site and just in case perhaps you are wrong about something, no big deal. Its only hifi, not people’s health and well being.