@lalitk and all reading this thread. The Muon ethernet system combined with the Network Acoustics Rubicon switch has me transfixed in so many ways. The combo deliverers a fluidity of sound that is so pure and enjoyable. Instruments and voice sound so pure and real. Now my music has more dimension to it. This combo has finally made me forget about high end CD transports because I now know my streaming is on par or better based on my listening tests.
I understand the Muon system and Rubicon switch represent a significant financial investment. For me the two pieces are indispensable as they provide the rest of my system with the opportunity to sound magnificent. I invest too much listening time and money in my system to not feed it with the best digital signal possible. It all starts before your server or dac and great sonic improvements can be realized here. The Rubicon switch can only be special ordered right now as they are gearing up for more production as I understand.
Yes, I am completely thrilled with my system and music as the Muon ethernet filter and Rubicon ethernet switch have increased the fun and engagement level of my listening sessions.
I use these products with an Innuos Zenith 3 server/streamer. I no longer use my lifetime Roon membership because the Innuos Sense software sounds so much better to me. Not even close right now. This is true for Innuos gear and may not be the case on non-Innuos servers. I am sure Roon can and does sound fantastic on other platforms.