Network streamer recommendation without a dac/amp (pure streamer), under $4k

So my SOTM 200 ultra is screwing up. Tried reburning the firmware to the microsd so many times but it doesn't start.

Want to get a more reliable streamer thats not so sensitive in terms of microsd/firmware. Want to spend about $4000 or less.

So far thinking at the $2k price point (used)
Bryston BDP2
Bryston BDP Pi
Moon mind 2
Aries g1
Bricasti M5

If I stretched my budget to $4k then:
Lumin U1
Aries G2

Any thoughts?   
@glennewick I heard the bluesound is a solid step down from the sotm 200 ultra. Would like to maintain the same level of performance if not more.

Definitely considering auralic and lumin.

@yyzsantabarbara Ill read more about the sonore signature. thx guys
Aries G1 or the Lumin U1 Mini are your best bets.  Good software, ease of use and good solid companies with history and stellar customer support.  
The Aries G1 and Lumin U1 Mini are on my very shortlist.  Anyone describe the sonic characteristics of both, compare and contrast? Preferences?
You should also put the Aurender N100 on your short list.  I have one, and in direct comparison to the Lumin U1 Mini (on a very good system at the dealer), we all agreed that the Aurender was clearly superior.  

It should be noted, however, we compared the Aurender via USB (my units only output) to the Lumin U1 mini via it’s SPDIF output (on a Nordost Heimdahl cable).  I mention this because the inputs on a DAC make a difference.  It’s possible the USB interface on that DAC was better (Marantz SA-10) than it’s coax interface - meaning the difference was at the DAC.  In any case, the Aurender had a more open soundstage.  The Lumin was slightly “flatter” in that regard.  

I also have an Auralic Aries G2 in another system and it’s certainly another  step up over the Aurender N100  Please note, I didn’t audition the G1.  

Regarding sonic characteristics, my experiences (I also have a Bluesound Node 2 going into an outboard DAC in another system and replaced a Node 2 w/ the Auralic G2 in the other system) suggests that frequency response and smoothness are pretty similar across most units.  However, the better units provide more detail and more “openness”. They’re easier to listen to.  Lesser units, as noted before, tend to flatten soundstage depth and width.

Hope this helps.