Hi All:
I know this thread is very old, but I thought i'd provide an update nonetheless. I found the Acuhorn 155 not to be my cup of tea, and sold it on soon after receiving them. They were replaced by Focal JM Lab Diva Utopia Be - with far better results. The Acuhorns were amazingly dry and uninvolving - it might just be that horns are not my thing, at least ones with no crossover. I had heard Acapella High Violin at a show in LA last year, and they were amazing, but they had a lot more drivers and and I'm guessing an electronic crossover.
I know this thread is very old, but I thought i'd provide an update nonetheless. I found the Acuhorn 155 not to be my cup of tea, and sold it on soon after receiving them. They were replaced by Focal JM Lab Diva Utopia Be - with far better results. The Acuhorns were amazingly dry and uninvolving - it might just be that horns are not my thing, at least ones with no crossover. I had heard Acapella High Violin at a show in LA last year, and they were amazing, but they had a lot more drivers and and I'm guessing an electronic crossover.