Definitely get a better source! But, as mentioned above, if your cables aren't up to snuff, you aren't getting the most out of your system. I had a Consonance Reference 2.2 (6H30 tubed CDP) which sell for around $700 used: a very decent unit. I then went to a upgraded Sony DVP-9000es model with Vacuum State level 6 mods. Sure, it sounded a little better, but I wasn't hearing everything. due to other problems in the chain (cables, lack of room treatments, noisy preamp). Since I have dialed in my system, the difference in the new CDP are obvious: it is so much more dynamic, instruments are layered, the soundstage is extended. But, I had to have the rest of my system at that (very high) level to really allow the player to come into it's own.
It is kind of like a car: you may have a big engine and great suspension, but if your tires are bald or your gas tank leaks, you won't be going very far or very fast. Upgrading one thing at a time doesn't yield obvious results at first: you will need a system that is at the level of that upgrade to really appreciate it.
Looking at the rest of your system, pick up a $1000-1500 (used) source, even better if it is a modded Sony (Modwright or Vacuum State) as you will get great bang for the $ with either one of those. Modded players don't hold resale value well: bad for the re-seller, but good for you! A stock player at that price won't touch a well-modded unit: you would have to spend 2-3x as much.
I also agree with the cable idea: some good cables available for under $100 used, especially if it is sold internet-only. I would also put money into room treatments: the best money I have ever spent on my system is for room treatments. Getting a $1000 CDP and dropping $500 with GIK Acoustics will be much more rewarding than spending $1500 on a used CDP.
It is kind of like a car: you may have a big engine and great suspension, but if your tires are bald or your gas tank leaks, you won't be going very far or very fast. Upgrading one thing at a time doesn't yield obvious results at first: you will need a system that is at the level of that upgrade to really appreciate it.
Looking at the rest of your system, pick up a $1000-1500 (used) source, even better if it is a modded Sony (Modwright or Vacuum State) as you will get great bang for the $ with either one of those. Modded players don't hold resale value well: bad for the re-seller, but good for you! A stock player at that price won't touch a well-modded unit: you would have to spend 2-3x as much.
I also agree with the cable idea: some good cables available for under $100 used, especially if it is sold internet-only. I would also put money into room treatments: the best money I have ever spent on my system is for room treatments. Getting a $1000 CDP and dropping $500 with GIK Acoustics will be much more rewarding than spending $1500 on a used CDP.