New Beatles remasters

I bought 6 of the new remasters today in CD format. Abbey Road, Let It Be, Revolver, Sgt. Peppers, Rubber Soul, The White Album. They are discounted at Target to 11.99 buy 2 and get a $5 gift card. Great music and much more natural sound. You can play them at more realistic levels without the compression and glare of the lousy original releases. Your thoughts?
In any case the monos are freaking amazing, just need to light some incense and twist one up....

Yes I posted on another thread - the Monos are the ones to go for unless you need audio compression to hear things clearly (if you are using an iPod or in a poor listening environment like a restaurant or bar then get the Stereos.)

Look at the plots on this article - compression is pretty obvious on the Stereo remasters despite what the article says - good news is that MONOS look great.
No matter what, they are never going to sound like the master tapes. The remasters sound great in both the mono and stereo versions. Stop relying on articles and let your ears decide!!
To my ears, compression was not intrusive on Abbey Road and
Let It Be. That's the only stereo versions I have. I prefer the Beatles in mono.
I just finished listening to all 6 last night. Wow! I think the greatest differences for me are on Sgt. Peppers and the White Album though all are noticably improved. Listen to Getting Better on the old and new version on Peppers and Blackbird or Julia on the White Album. The new masterings allow me to appreciate each individuals talent as it relates to the group better and the vocals have much more presence on the new mastering along with much better "wholeness" or density of the images.