@yyzsantabarbara, I purchased an Yiggy+ LIM recently after reading the reviews on it. I was thinking its sound signature will match with what I like and that it might be a cheaper alternative to my two favorite DACs I’ve owned (Mojo Audio previously and Meitner MA3 currently). I thought it was excellent and had a similar natural tone, good dynamics, no fatigue, etc.
It wasn’t until I dropped back in the MA3 that I realized the differences were enough that I will still be keeping the more pricey DAC. I thought the LIM was a little dry sounding, lacked a little texture, and definitely seemed to be missing the super black background and more detail of the Meitner.
Relatively speaking though I think the differences are small when you factor in the price difference. Throw in it’s made in the USA and comes with a great warranty and I think it’s a great deal! I hated to sell it but couldn’t justify it as my TV DAC where the Bifrost 2/64 makes way more sense financially, and also sounds excellent…